Medina Beneficial Microbes are a concentrated blend of naturally occurring microbial cultures adapted to assist in soil improvement, nutrient release and organic decomposition and nutrient recycling. For best results, the application should be made to a soil that is moist and aerated. Apply just before an irrigation event or rain, if it is not possible to irrigate, disc into the soil. Application can be made after harvest to break down residue and prepare soil for your next crop, or any time before or just after planting to aid in nutrient availability to growing crops.
1 Kg jar treats 100 acres. Mix with enough water to get even coverage – more water is better to help apply the cultures into the soil. This application can be made with Medina Soil Activator and Molasses mixtures. Diluted product needs to be applied within 8 hours of mixing. Do not apply with high salt content fertilizer or herbicides.
Blend of naturally occurring organisms in high concentrations that work together
Used in conjunction with a normal agriculture program
Increases the efficiency of added fertilizers
Helps release plant nutrients tied up in the soil minerals and plant residue
Aids in nutrient intake into plant roots
Long stable shelf life (12 months)
Saves Money